The Story

Georgia, a 24-year old insurance broker, lives not an hour away from —

—where she grew up in rural Vermont. She rents the spare room in a nice house and doesn't mind cleaning up after Faith and Samuel, her much-older landlords. She’s comfortable in her quiet life, but can’t shake the nagging feeling that something is missing. So, Georgia decides to cancel her appointments, pour out the cat food, and pack her bags to leave for good.


Her escape is stalled when she runs into Faith and Samuel’s friends at the door, bearing macaroni salad for the afternoon potluck. They urge Georgia to stay and talk with them as they sit and discuss their work lives, local gossip, and upcoming holiday plans.


Finally steeling her resolve, Georgia tells Faith and Samuel that she is driving into Boston to meet a man she’d met on the internet. They question whether this is a good idea, but Georgia’s mind is made up. She quietly goes back into her room, gathers her things, and leaves with only a swift goodbye from the hallway.


Now in her car, Georgia is headed to Boston with nothing but her packed bag and a bottle of wine. She's unsure of what she will find nor does she quite know what she's looking for, but that won't stop her from leaving.


Director’s Statement

things we like & things we don’t like came about to tell the story of a life that went by a little faster than expected. Even at my young age, I have noticed this happening in my own life. I wrote this film to express and to feel the ways we don’t do what we could’ve and how we tell ourselves that we couldn’t.

Good movies aren't about what happens--they're about how it happens. This film isn’t just about telling an interesting story, it's about searching for truths about how we express and present ourselves to the people around us. It's also about the things we do to find happiness as we watch our lives pass by, whether that happiness is real or not. I am so passionate about this story not just because I relate to the situation Georgia finds herself in, but also because I want to express these truths and to learn something about life while doing so.

- adi jahić

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